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  Trongate and the surrounding area. AT the time when King William authorised Bishop Joceline of Glasgow to have a Burgh that descriptive term had lost much of its original signification of a Fort, under the protection of which a market could be safely held. It had rather come to imply a market town, equipped with all the usual trading and judicial accessories. In accordance, therefore, with the practice of the period the privileges conferred by the Glasgow charter relate specially to a weekly market and the customs derivable from it. By one of William's statutes it was commanded that all merchandise should be presented at the market and market crosses of the King's burghs and there offered to the merchants, the custom dues being paid to the King.- Each royal burgh had its shire or district, the produce of which must come to its market ; and the Bishop's charter was granted for the purpose of affording corresponding benefits to him and his successors, as territorial lords.