
Showing posts with the label Stage
 Exit Stage left. (1) On the 24th April, 1595, the Kirk-Session of Glasgow directed the town's drummer to forbid " all persons from going to Ruglen to see vain plays on Sundays-.'" ; - On the 2Oth May, 1624, the session gave  public intimation- 'that all "resetters of comedians  would be severly punished" And on the 2Oth July, 1670, the Magistrates of Glasgow- "interdicted strolling stage players from running through the streets, and from performing plays in private houses," which they called "The Wisdom of Solomon." "The Presbytery," writes Mr. Arnot in his interesting book -  " were possessed with the most violent and the most illiberal animosity against the stage. The writings of their most popular divines represented the playhouse as the actual temple of the Devil, where he fre- quently appeared clothed in a corporeal substance and possessed the spectators, whom he held as his worshippers.'' In theological S