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  St Mungo (1) The saint is said to have been born about A.D. 527, and to have been the son of Ewen ap Urien, a prince of Strathclyde, his mother being Thenaw, a daughter of Loth, King of Northumbria, which kingdom then extended along the eastern coast, from the Firth of Forth, or Scots Sea, as it was long named, to the Firth of Tyne. The mother of St. Thenaw is said to have been either an aunt or half-sister of the famous King Arthur. The saint was thus cousin or niece to King Arthur, and sister to the "gentle Oawaine," so renowned as one of the chief knights of the Round Table.  ST. THENAW, or Tennoch (latterly corrupted into Enoch), is said to have been a. believer in the Christian faith, but not baptised until after the birth of her famous son. Her earnest longing is said to have been to preserve her virginity, and to dedicate her life to the service of the Church, but her semi-Pagan father insisted on her marrying the Prince of Strathclyde. Much obscurity rests on the ea