
Showing posts from January, 2021
  What's in a name ? Like many other church lands throughout the country at that time, some of the possessions described in the Inquest had probably passed into the hands of laymen, but were no doubt restored, as most of the lands specified can be identified among those subsequently belonging to the bishopric.  Those adjoining Glasgow, so far as identified, were situated to the east of the Molendinar Burn. It seems to have been considered unnecessary to mention the site of the Cathedral and Glasgow itself, unless such possessions are included under designations that have not been recognised. All around Glasgow the lands not belonging to the Church seem to have been part of the royal domain, and the whole of that territory was disposed of by King David before the close of his reign.  Rutherglen was erected by him into a royal burgh, with the privilege of trade over a wide district, extending on the west to the River Kelvin, and embracing apparently the town of Glasgow - and that par
The reformation and the University. The University was originally founded in the year 1450 by a Bull of Pope Nicholas V. obtained at the request of King James II. Bishop Turnbull, who then held the See of Glasgow, and his successors, being appointed chancellors of the new institution. A body of statutes for its government, were prepared by the bishop and his chapter in 1451, from which we learn, that it at this time consisted—besides the chancellor—-of a rector and four masters of faculties.  Upwards of one hundred members were incorporated by the rector within the first two years—most of whom were belonging either to the secular or regular bodies of clergy. For some time, however, the institution appears to have had little more than a nominal existence; it had no property of any kind bestowed upon it; nor were lectures read in any of the sciences.  Afterwards, however, lectures were read on theology, and the civil and canon law, in the chapter-house belonging to the Dominican Convent